Refund Policy

Magical Web World, we strive to ensure our clients are satisfied with the services we provide. However, if you are not entirely satisfied with your purchase, we’re here to help.

Refund Eligibility

Refunds may be considered under the following circumstances:

  1. Full refund: In cases where the project has not been started or if the initial design style has not been approved. The Full Refund policy will initiate after receive the upfront payment date and will take 60 Days to refund the amount.
  2. Partial refund: If there is a failure to deliver as per our delivery policy after the approval of the initial design style. The partial refund will be in proportion to the work completed.
  3. No refunds: If the project has been completed and uploaded on the server.

Conditions for Refund

To be eligible for a refund:

  • You must request a refund within 60 days of the initial purchase date.
  • Provide a valid reason for the refund request, supported by any relevant documentation or evidence.

Non-Refundable Services

The following services are non-refundable:

  • Completed custom development projects
  • Website maintenance services
  • Domain name registrations
  • Hosting services

